ga('set', 'userId', {{USER_ID}}); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id. Precision reference standard certificate

Example Calibration Certificate

mahr dual roughness standard

Many ask how long a calibration is good for.  In all reality it depends on how often it is used. Many companies require checking

The gage to the standard at the beginning of a work shift confirming the gage is reading correctly, while they are taking sixty or more

 measurements a day while in production of their material which will show changes to the repeatability of the standard in a shorter amount of time as compared to a person checking the standard five or six times a year.



calibration certificate

724-368-8006  *  Fax 724-368-8005


mahr dual roughness standard
calibration certificate

mahr dual roughness standard
calibration certificate

mahr dual roughness standard
calibration certificate

mahr dual roughness standard
calibration certificate